
Born Disorganized

Recently at work I had the opportunity to take the Meyers-Briggs MBTI test.  This test is born from Carl Jung’s psychological analysis, and measures what he considered to be four key parts of a person’s behavior.  My personality type is INFP, or Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.  While most of that makes a lot of sense,…

The End of a Big Job

Life took me away from cleaning for a bit in order to prepare for the first in-person sales from our craft business.  After a few days of rest and recuperation, I dove back into the craft room cleanup project.  And I’m happy to say that it’s as done as it’s going to get for a…

Progress On a Big Job

I’ve been working on the craft room for 1 week now, and I’m happy to report that I’ve made great strides.  I’d go so far as to say I’m perhaps halfway done. The breakdown of what needed to be done (a.k.a. the project plan): gather fabric from around the room and move it out clean…


I’ve often heard of weight loss and being heavy as being a problem with willpower.  “I don’t have enough willpower to stay away from the desserts table”.  Pff.  I’ve got PLENTY of willpower.  I’m stubborn as this here mule.  Ain’t he cute? Yep, I’ve got willpower to spare.  Just ask my husband, who when asked…

Who the hell is that fat woman in the mirror?

Denial is a powerful thing.  It’s amazing what people can ignore, given the opportunity and the will.  But eventually most (certainly not all) people hit a point where they realize it’s gone too far.  Some let it go further than others.  I’ve had all the signs of denial for quite a few years.  I didn’t…

2012 Reboot

As a computer geek IT person, I know the value of a reboot.  When in doubt, reboot.  If it’s not working, reboot.  Someone tells me something’s not working, the first thing I ask is when’s the last time they rebooted.  Why reboot?  because it resets your memory, and gets rid of all the little flotsam…