I’ve been awfully quiet this month. Here in the northeast it’s snowing…again. Funny how as a child I thought it was awesome, but now as an adult it seems it’s just a big hassle. Digging out the walk and the car, dealing with snow damage, slogging through slush and trying to drive on snow packed…
Procrastination Ends Tomorrow!
by ladyblacksun • • 1 Comment
I am a terrible procrastinator.
No, strike that. I am a superior procrastinator. Truly top form. I have finely honed my craft over many years.
Green, Life, Simple, Unplasticizing
2010 In Review
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
The New Year is a time of both reflection and of looking ahead. Many people choose to create plans and resolutions with how to be better in the new year. I wanted to look back at the top things I’ve learned this year. These things will definitely help to drive what I do in 2011. I hope it helps you too.
And then sometimes life throws you a curve ball…
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
My husband was let go from his job Saturday. I was ready for change in my life, but I wasn’t quite expecting that big of a change. But life is change. I can’t say that this is for good or bad, it just is. We mourned the change for a bit, and then we let…
Experiments, Health, Life
The New Nutrition Experiment
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
I’m a cancer survivor. My chance of getting cancer again, either the same cancer or a different cancer is actually rather high. The treatments I have seem to have damaged my thyroid and given me anemia and raised my blood pressure significantly. Every night I take multiple pharmaceutical medications for blood pressure, indigestion, allergies, hormones,…
The Pleasure and Ritual of the Bath
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
Finding Freedom and Passion
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
This weekend has been busy, and yet not. I haven’t been searching for anything, just doing. Being. I’ve spent quite a bit of time reading. I spent my monthly book budget buying books to further my knowledge in the areas of “green” home and body care. I’ve read Return to Beauty: Old-World Recipes for Great…
The dangers of multitasking
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
OK, I haven’t posted much this week. I’ve actually got 4 posts in mind that I have sort of partly written, which means none of them are done. I’m also trying to warp up my loom with some 100% cotton yarn to make some twill kitchen towels. I have two events I’m going to this…
Gardening, Life
Fall is Sprouting!
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments

I’m definitely feeling under the weather today, which is a shame because the weather is gorgeous! I spent the early part morning outside in the hammock. The gentle sway was soothing, under my fuzzy throw blanket in the slightly chilly breeze. I sipped slowly from my huge Eeyore mug of Barry’s Green Label Irish tea…
Kitchen, Life
Guilty Pleasures
by ladyblacksun • • 1 Comment
I’ll admit it. I like canned icing. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say I much prefer canned icing. I have no idea why I still find it so appealing. It’s in a plastic can that I’d rather not buy, and has a tongue-twisting list of ingredients including partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil, high…