I’ve been away from the blog for a while. I could make all sorts of excuses why, but basically other things became more important to me. While I often compose blog posts in my head while going about my day, I haven’t sat down and actually written them, and generally they’re forgotten before I ever…
Health, Life
Aaaaand…We’re Done. (Gluten Free Month, Abridged)
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
A tip for those attempting to do a month long dietary test: don’t do it in the middle of the worst winter in recent memory, while simultaneously trying to do a no-spend month. The lack of sun, massive amounts of shoveling, general winter malaise, and lack of most entertainment outlets to keep your mind off…
Health, Life
Halfway Through (Gluten Free Month Update)
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments

We’re halfway through. I have survived two weeks without gluten. I cannot honestly say that this has been without complaint, there was most definitely some whining involved. I remember walking through the supermarket, thinking “OHMYGOD!! BREAD!!! CEREAL!!! COOOKIES!!!” I think I would briefly consider assaulting someone for a good cheeseburger. But, we’ve made it this…
Health, Life
Day 3 Gluten Free
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments

We started gluten free on Saturday. 3 days down, and I haven’t run screaming for the bread drawer or broken down and run for Dunkies. Saturday was hard, and I was hungry. Sunday was tough, and I was hungry. Today was…less tough. I’ve been focusing on simple foods: Slow Cooker chicken provencale (using chicken thighs instead…
Prepping for Gluten Free Month
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
Gardening, Life
Planning for the Future…A Garden!
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
My New House Is Not Perfect
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
…and I didn’t expect it to be. I knew I was looking at the house with a bit of rose colored glasses before closing, but once we started upacking things we made a few realizations. Like the kitchen was designed by someone who DEFINITELY didn’t cook. Or at least didn’t cook well. A glass-top electric…
From House To Home Step One
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments

Closing complete, we have a new house! One of my favorite movies is Under The Tuscan Sun. Buying my new old house, I have remembered one of my favorite lines: “The trick to overcoming buyer’s remorse is to have a plan. Pick one room and make it yours. Go slowly through the house. Be polite, introduce yourself,…
I’m Movin’ Out!
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
Change. We all do it, we all live with it every day. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it reaches out and whomps you on the face. My husband and I were driving, and decided to go a different way than I normally would have. And I passed it. A very pretty colonial farmhouse with a for…
Born Disorganized
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
Recently at work I had the opportunity to take the Meyers-Briggs MBTI test. This test is born from Carl Jung’s psychological analysis, and measures what he considered to be four key parts of a person’s behavior. My personality type is INFP, or Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. While most of that makes a lot of sense,…