Black Thumb Gardening

I am not a great gardener.  I try, I dabble, and I fail an awful lot.  Growing weeds, that I can do.  My garden teems with them, and I have a very hard time keeping up.  But every year I try again, telling myself I’ll do better.  I’ve never had that better year, but somehow…

Recycling The Old Fashioned Way: Deposit/Return

I don’t live in a deposit/return state, but I remember it’s availability when I was a small child nearly 40 years ago. The idea was simple: When you purchase a product in a bottle, you pay a premium for that bottle. When you are done with a bottle you return it to the store where you purchased it, and the fee is returned to you…


Anger. Righteous indignation. Out-and-out fury. Burning rage. Simmering resentment. As humans we have all felt angry at one time or another. While you can take anger too far it can also be a healthy thing. It can show you where your passions lie. It can help you fight through a situation. The trick, however, is…

Foolproof Brown Rice

ok, so maybe not foolproof, and maybe not original but certainly the way I‘ve found to make it well without burning or undercooking. When I first started trying to eat healthier, I was told white rice has too many simple carbs and I should use brown rice instead.  “OK”, I thought, “sounds easy enough let…