Anger. Righteous indignation. Out-and-out fury. Burning rage. Simmering resentment. As humans we have all felt angry at one time or another. While you can take anger too far it can also be a healthy thing. It can show you where your passions lie. It can help you fight through a situation. The trick, however, is…
Taking Stock Part 4: Enlightened
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
There’s a reason the title of this blog starts with “documenting the journey”. I’m nowhere near an expert on any of the things listed there. I decided to take a tally of where I am now, beginning this process, so later I can look back and see where I’ve come from. Here in part 4,…
Musings, Wellbeing
Meditative Work
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
Today I spent the day at the Village Renaissance Festival in Bucks County, PA. I’ve been a participant/performer at renfaires for about 13 years. While once I was a performer in a madrigal group, now I do demonstrations of weaving and spinning. Some interested (and some quite bored) children come around and their parents show…
Meditation 101
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments

I’ve attempted meditation before. My understanding of meditation comes mostly from new age/pagan books I’ve read over the years. I was very fond of Laurie Cabot’s Crystal Countdown and visual meditative techniques years ago, but they’re not something I like to do on a regular basis. Other books I’ve read use focused meditative techniques like…
Turning a lazy behavior into work
by ladyblacksun • • 0 Comments
I’ll admit that I don’t turn my computer off when I leave my desk. I usually have some reason or another: I’m planning on coming right back, I’ve got a ton of windows open for something I’m working on, etc. So it might stay on for hours or even days before I get back to…